Wavy lines resembling water behind text.

Unlock Your Potential for Better Mental Health

Receive virtual counseling with a professional licensed therapist from the comfort of your home.

A woman sitting at home during a telehealth therapy session.
Wavy lines resembling water behind text.

Start your journey to a better self today

Are you struggling with your mental health? 

The Mindfulness Gym is here to help! We support people across Metro Detroit in finding peace of mind and aim to refocus the way we see mental health. What we provide is a highly-personalized approach to tackling mental health problems head on by reprogramming the mind-body connection. We've already grown a dedicated community of passionate people that want to get better together. Chat with us today and find out why countless people come to us year in and year out to take care of their mental health.

Common Reasons for Trying Us



Relationships Issues

Life Transition





Pandemic Fatigue

62% of people

would prefer virtual therapy appointments since the COVID-19 pandemic began and would prefer to continue their therapy virtually after the pandemic ends
Source: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/tech/demand-for-virtual-mental-health-soaring-here-are-notable-trends-who-using-it-and-why
Statistics stating that 62% of people prefer virtual therapy appointments.
A smiling man looking happy outside. A water ripple.

Studies show that teletherapy is as effective as office-based therapy. 

In some instances, it’s more effective.
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Same Effectiveness
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Flexible Scheduling
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Better Privacy
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Easy Access - With Reliable Internet and a Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone
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Convenient - No Office Drive. No Office Lobby Wait Time
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Comfortable Environment - Pick Your Favorite Spot at Home
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5723163/
a session
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A free initial 15-minute phone consultation with your therapist to discuss your needs
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An individually-tailored treatment plan
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A 55-minute therapy session with a licensed professional
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Access to your therapist through call and text
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High-quality care
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Worksheets to build coping skills
* Please ask about our Sliding Scale should you be facing financial hardship. Sliding Scale fees are reassessed every 3 months.

What you get

Starting with an initial consultation, your therapist will assist you in exploring your personal life goals.

We strive to offer our expertise, guidance and support so that you can gain insight and build mastery within yourself.
Insurance notice
We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan
A pattern of stroke marks.